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Benefits of Oat Beta Glucans

Oat beta glucans and Cholesterol

Oat beta glucans have been studied for decades and have been shown to help lower cholesterol naturally. Oat beta glucans work through 4 main mechanisms. They have been shown to remove cholesterol already in the body, flush out cholesterol from the diet, bind to saturated fat and trans fat, and are transformed by good bacteria in to substances that block cholesterol production.

A technologically advanced, natural processing method has been developed to make oat beta glucans more accessible to the body. Dr. Inglett at the USDA created an all natural product that makes it easy to get the benefits of oat beta glucans in everyday foods while giving foods and beverages a creamy texture. This innovative breakthrough is called Nutrim®. Click here to learn more about the benefits of Nutrim® oat beta glucans. Oat beta glucans and weight management

The two main issues with weight management today are blood sugar control and hunger control leading to increase calorie intake and increased fat storage. Since oat beta glucans are a fiber they can help with the feeling of fullness or satiety. Oat beta glucans have also been shown to have positive effects on hormones that affect hunger.

Oat beta glucans are a special type of fiber because they can help slow the emptying of food from the stomach. This not only helps with the feeling of fullness but is believed to be one of the reasons why oat beta glucans have been found to be beneficial for blood sugar balance. Oat beta glucans can also bind to some of the calories you eat and carry them out of the body before they are even absorbed. Fiber is also helpful for cleansing the body which is important during any weight loss program.

Concentrated oat beta glucan products, like Nutrim can also help save you some calories if you are trying to lower your cholesterol and lose weight. Nutrim can help you get to your oat beta glucan daily goals with less calories than oatmeal. Especially if you consider all the calories that we tend to add to oatmeal, such as added sugar and fats.