Part 3: Weathering Holiday Parties

Written by Joe Suppes

One of my favorite things about this time of year is the sheer density of parties.  There are holiday parties going on left and right!  Regardless of what tradition it is you follow or what culture you fit into, there's generally some sort of something to celebrate this time of year.  These shindigs are all in good fun, but they can definitely wreak havoc on someone's healthy eating plan, and their overall routine. Now that we've dicussed how to be a good host, we want to take the alternate view:  how can you be a heathy party guest?  When attending parties, you can't always control what type of food you'll be presented.  Well, when this is the case, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself on track! First of all, it takes a little self-control.  Just remember that it's your health that's at stake.  It's better to miss out on a few holiday bonbons than to end up in the ER, or worse.  Also, never forget the spirit of the season.  The food isn't what makes this time of year special, it's the people and the love and the traditions and so on and so forth.  You get what I'm saying.  Anyways, we have a nifty list (it's a running themese) of suggestions to keep you from losing control of your eating habits this lovely holiday season. Eat vegetables and salads first.  Leafy greens and fiber-rich vegetables will help you feel full with fewer calories, less fat, and (hopefully) not cholesterol.  Be sure to use only fat-free or low-fat salad dressings, or cut out the salad dressings altogether and use olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  A squeeze of fruit juice, especially citrus, also makes a good topping for salads. Moderation is the main rule.  The things to exercise control with are meats, especially red meat and meat cooked in a fatty manner, fatty treats, alcohol, and creamy or rich sauces. Maintain your schedule.  Don't skip work-outs just because you think you're too busy.  In fact, working out is more important during stressful, busy times!  Plus, staying on top of your exercise can keep your energy higher, increasing your stamina for this busy time. Bring your own healthy treats!  Weather you're travelling and need to maintain good habits or you're just going out for the night, providing your own delicious, healthy goodies can keep you on track. Pay attention.  Decide definite serving sizes, and track them.  Think about how much of each food you can afford to eat before you start filling your plate.  Be sure to stick to your plan, though!  It can be awfully easy to “forget” to skip that extra helping. Hold off on the appetizers.  If there's something really yummy that you know you want to try, plan it out so you can't overindulge.  Take the last one, or perhaps grab it on the way out the door as you leave.  By cutting off exposure to the temptation, you remove the risk of giving in. Know ingredients.  If there's something you're not sure about, ask whoever made it what the ingredients are.  There could be hidden no-no's in that casserole, those stuffed peppers may have something lurking inside!  This is especially important for people with food allergies, but also those watching their food intake for heart health reasons. Avoid “Holiday Heart Syndrome.”  There is an increase in the rate of heart attacks this time of year because of a combination of stress and poor self-care.  Stick to your health routines and be sure to give yourself time to unwind.  As much fun as the rush of the holidays can be, it also wears down your body, and puts a lot of strain on your heart.  Another thing to watch out for is “indigestion.”  You may think you're having problems with all that special food, but you're “heart burn” or “indigestion” could actually be warning signs for a heart attack, or even a small heart attack in itself.  Don't take pain in your chest and stomach area lightly this time of year. I have plenty of faith that everyone can have a safe, happy, healthy holiday season this year.  The holidays are a wonderful time full of celebration, parties, joy, charity, and other fabulous fluffy-happy-cheerful things.  Everyone should be able to enjoy them, even if you have to watch your diet. I've offered you some great gift ideas for the health nuts in your life, gave you some tips on healthy holiday hosting, and given you the survival skills to make it out of holiday parties alive.  Now, it's up to you guys to enjoy the holiday and take care of yourselves!  Please leave us any questions, feedback, criticism, or suggestions!  We want to hear from you.  With your help, we can make this an annual list, and bring you more, better information, year after year. Happy Holidays, and keep living right!

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