Office Heart Health Quagmire

Written by Joe Suppes

Okay, I know we've already done a few posts on sticking to your heart health routine at work. I know we've had plenty of posts about how to avoid snacking or how to stick to healthy tidbits. I know, I know.  This post is about both...but it's more of a personal rant than anything. Even here, working for a company geared towards health, we're tempted.  We are tried and pushed around and what?  By delicious, tasty gifts.  That's right.  It's the time of year when customers, business associates, and partner companies are sending delicious, fatty, tempting, tasty morsels.  Even this morning, I went into the break room to grab an orange, and was greeted by a table full of assorted chocolates, chocolate- and caramel-slathered popcorn, a lemon loaf that I'm sure has more fat in a single slice than most meals... Ugh, it looks fabulous.  And it was all free for the taking, given to our office by so many charitable and appreciative people of the business world. But, I had to stay strong.  I had to!  I marched right past the awesome table, to the fruit that we'd bought in bulk from a school fundraiser.  Navel oranges were mine for the taking!  If you think about it, the orange is just as sweet, and even more satisfying.  So now, as I sit here staring as my yet-to-be-unpeeled orange, I'm proud of myself.  I conquered the holiday office snack challenge. To make matters more complicated, our office is fairly intimate.  Everyone knows everyone.  It's a small company in a small building, and many of us have personal histories with each other, outside of work.  This means that a lot of people bring in delicious treats to share.  Last week, the week of Christmas, was especially hard.  Crunch clusters, pumpkin spice parfaits, peppermint bark, cookies, pies, specialty holiday bread........ I wasn't so strong last week.  I caved...once or twice...or several times, but who's counting? Word to the wise:  bring your own snacks, and drink plenty of water.  If you're full on healthy stuff and you've got a tummy full of clean, clear water, you're less likely to indulge.  I always have a large bottle of water on my desk.  I always have one high-fiber breakfast bar (I generally go with Kashi) in my laptop case and some chewing gum in my purse.  These items are my anti-binge-snacking army.  They are my deterrents when I have a craving for that triple-butter-apple-loaf or that chocolate-covered-fermented-cherry.  (Ugh...they sound so delicious...) Water fills you.  Grains satiate you.  Chewing gums keeps your mouth busy when you feel like munching on something.  (It also helps deter the salivation that often comes with cravings.  That spit makes you want the object of your desire even more!) Okay, this is a scatter-brained, random, ranty post.  But I'm allowed to have these now and then.  Eating right is usually a pretty easy feat, but this time of year, temptations are everywhere.  Stay strong, keep your anti-junk food tools close, and never let your guard down.  Good luck!

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