Written by Joe Suppes

An Unknown But Common Problem The term "metabolic syndrome" probably sounds like a term that is best left in the circle of the medical elite.  Well, I think it's a concept that should be better understood by all Americans.  Metabolic Syndrome is a very American disease, for lack of a better term.  It only occurs in affluent nations.  Approximately 50 million Americans have this syndrome.  To understand this syndrome is to understand a major sickness affecting our nation today. Increasing in Frequency Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.  One focus of ATP III is the management of metabolic syndrome (syndrome X). Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors such as high blood sugar levels, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, obesity and high blood pressure. This syndrome is becoming more common in America and is being given more attention by the American Heart Association and other leading organizations. There's Still Hope Metabolic syndrome is highly influenced by diet and life style choices.  Because it's based on America's bad diet, it's necessary to include a variety of whole foods such as beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, whole fruits,  and vegetables.  The only sure way to avoid Syndrome X is to lead a healthy life.

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