Written by Joe Suppes

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the following:

  • An abundance of food from plant sources. These include vegetables, fruits, breads, potatoes, cereals and grains, nuts, beans and seeds. Whole grain instead of enriched sources of breads and cereals are preferred.  These benefits are definitely worth it.
  • Minimally processed foods and whenever possible, seasonally fresh produce. Purchasing seasonally fresh produce maximizes retention of heart-disease fighting nutrients.  Fresh produce are also at their peak of flavor when in season.
  • Fresh fruit are a typical daily dessert with foods containing refined sugars and saturated fats eaten only occasionally.  The fruit should be able to cut any sweet tooth you have, and the benefits are much higher.
  • Olive oil serves as the primary source of fat instead of butter and other undesirable fats. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, and when substituted for saturated fats, can reduce the bad (LDL) cholesterol.
  • Total daily fat intake ranging from 25% to 35% of total calories ingested, with saturated fat no more than 7% of calories.  This means that most of the fat taken in is good fat.
  • Dairy products (primarily yogurt and cheese) are consumed daily in moderate amounts (low and nonfat versions preferred).  It is possible to go overboard with dairy products, so be careful.  However, when used wisely, they’re a great addition to just about any dish.
  • Fish and poultry are consumed in low to moderate amounts. Recent research suggests that consumption of fish is favored over poultry because of heart-protective fatty acids present in most fish. Aim for 6 ounces of fish each week.
  • Red meat is consumed in very low amounts (a few times per month). Whenever possible, lean meats preferred.  Red meat is a big source of dietary cholesterol, so minimizing intake is a good idea.
  • No more than four whole eggs (with egg yolks) are consumed per week.  Cooking with only the egg whites or with an egg substitute can increase the amount you’re allowed to eat.
  • Wine is consumed in low to moderate amounts, normally with meals. This equates to two 3 ½ oz glasses of wine for men, one 3 ½ oz glass for women.  Wine has natural chemicals that are good for heart and blood health, but should be enjoyed with moderation.
  • An added benefit to the diet of these Mediterranean regions is regular physical activity at a level that promotes a healthy weight and physical fitness.

So, how can you start incorporating these dietary patterns into your already-too-busy lifestyle?
Try some of the following tips:

  • Replace vegetable cooking oil or animal fats with olive or canola oil. Both oils are rich sources of cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fat.
  • Choose rolled oats, barley, buckwheat or other whole grain cereal for breakfast.  There are many options in this category, so it won’t be hard to find a few choices that you really enjoy.
  • Substitute refined or white flour products with unrefined whole grain products.
  • Have a bean and vegetable based soup for lunch instead of your usual routine.
  • Add dried beans to your favorite casserole or dish, or use to replace your usual meat entrée at dinner.  You’ll still be getting plenty of that beneficial protein, but you’ll be cutting out that animal fat and extra cholesterol.
  • Round up seasonal fruits and vegetables to have available for a snack during your break or lunch hour.  If you need more flavor, check out fat-free dips that go with fruits and vegetables.
  • Enjoy fresh berries alone or with nonfat yogurt for dessert.  
  • Aim to have no more than 1 red meat meal per week, 2 poultry dishes and 2 or more fish entrees each week. Have plant-based meals on other days.  This will cut out a lot of fat, but will also introduce more beneficial heart healthy ingredients.
  • Replace whole eggs with egg substitutes or egg whites at breakfast and when preparing baked goods.
  • Add 2 Tablespoons of your favorite nut to hot or cold cereal, stir-fry, salad, yogurt, pasta or rice dish or trail mix.  This will not only add another degree of texture and flavor, but will add the natural oils in nuts that are good for your heart.
  • Go for a brisk, 20-30 minute walk most days of the week.


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