Written by Joe Suppes

Skewed View Toward Quick Fixes

The “quick fix” we use when faced with a problem is more acceptable than facing inconveniences in the here and now.  Unless a disease hits home by affecting someone we love or ourselves, we hardly recognize it exists and do very little to think about its prevention.  Somehow, in our society it has become more accepted to conduct major surgery, or produce a pill, than to make simple dietary changes.  What people don’t always realize is that a lot of health problems can be avoided by simply leading a healthy lifestyle.

Changing Your Heart; Looking Beyond Today

Most of us don’t want to look deeper into disease than, “What is making me feel bad today?”  What I mostly hear from people is, “I am going to die of something.”  While I believe it is true that we can not control what we die of and when we do, I believe we have control of over our general health for the years we have. As it has been said many times, “Not more years to your life, but more life to your years.”  How many stories have you heard about older people taking control of their health and feeling younger than they ever have before?  The success stories are out there.

Take Charge By Telling Your Health What To Do

The progression of our years is not the only factor that influences our health.  If you follow modern research it seems that real, whole foods and exercise always benefit our health.  On the flip side, processed food and lack of exercise diminishes health.  I know you’ve heard many times from your doctor that you should watch what you eat and exercise.  I think part of the problem in America is that doctors are getting sick of telling people about this, so a number of them are giving up the fight.  We are becoming dependent on disease management through more extreme means with way more side effects.  But, why manage the diseases when you can prevent them?  The truth is most dietary and exercise changes are not that dramatic and can add more abundant life for our today.

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